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J-1 Long Beach Clean-Up Protects Our Oceans from Pollution and Debris

Posted on Wednesday, August 10th, 2016 at 5:57 pm.

By Rachel Atterbury, Program Manager, International Culture & Career Exchange

Four teams, three picnic tables, two hot dogs=one great afternoon!

On Saturday, June 11, the hardworking interns packed their reusable bags to the brims with debris left out on the lovely Junipero Beach, which is located 20 miles south of Los Angeles, California. We partnered with an awesome, non-profit organization Surfrider Foundation who guided us in the shore clean up and many local volunteers also helped rid the litter from the soft sand. The bags holding the rubbish were weighed at the conclusion of the clean-up which was then used in the city’s statistical data for future studies. The waste collection certainly made us more conscious about how we need to pay closer attention to restoring our surroundings to their natural beauty.

Group of young people picking up debris from a shoreline

Karolina, Lead Activity Coordinator (Front) & J-1 interns from Korea work together in gathering the litter scattered on the beach.

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Categories: Program Spotlight

J-1 Community Supports Secretary Kerry’s Our Ocean Campaign

Posted on Monday, August 8th, 2016 at 9:31 pm.

By Lynette Evans-Tiernan, Director of Communication and Outreach for J-1 Program


Have you ever stood on the beach with your toes nestled in the grainy sand, looking out at the vastness of the ocean’s awe inspiring beauty while listening to the soothing sounds of the waves as they crash against the shore? It’s a calming experience that always makes me feel reconnected to the natural world and Mother Nature.

We live on a blue planet. The ocean covers three-quarters of the Earth’s surface and provides 99% of the Earth’s living space. Not only is the ocean a shared resource that connects people – physically, culturally and spiritually – but it is also a driving force in the global economy, pivotal to food security, human health and scientific advancement, and home to a vast ecosystem that regulates climate and weather.

Our blue planet is fragile. It’s at grave risk – and it’s not happening by accident. Human activity is the cause. Rising levels of carbon dioxide are causing our oceans to acidify. Pollution endangers marine life. Overfishing threatens whole species as well as the people who depend on them for food and their livelihoods.

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Categories: Program Spotlight

J-1 Program Transformed an Intern into a Leader

Posted on Friday, August 5th, 2016 at 12:30 pm.

By Trish, J-1 Intern from the Philippines

Girl standing in front of flag pole with American flags

Trish posing in front of American flags

The J-1 Exchange Visitor Trainee Program has changed my life in many ways. It has allowed me to enhance my communication skills and I have learned how to multitask in a fast paced environment. I have met a lot of people from countries all over the world with different cultures, traditions, customs and beliefs, and many of them became my close friends.

Like most J-1 participants would say, this has been a life changing experience for me, not only in my professional career, but also in helping me build my interpersonal skills. Before I arrived in the United States, I had stage fright. I would literally start shaking if I stood up in front of a crowd. But when I started working at Kalahari Resorts, I was able to overcome my fear. I can’t believe that I now run the orientation for J-1 Work & Travel participants. I was also able to speak at the Wisconsin Dells and Lake Delton International Student Consortium to share my experiences. This was a very unforgettable experience for me because I never thought that I would be talking in front of foreigners without feeling shy. I have gained confidence and self-esteem through this program.

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Categories: Program Spotlight

Empowering Your People

Posted on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016 at 9:33 pm.

By Carlos Mayogra Garcia, J-1 Trainee from Colombia

carlos mayora

Carlos Mayorga presenting his ideas to a 2016 MBA class at Inalde Business School.

I have been an entrepreneur for 12 years now, working on how to find the power to transform countries and empower people to build a foundation for sustainable development. I have witnessed how political decisions and policies create change in Colombia, but many of those public initiatives take more time than people expect. Through the Next Generation Leaders (NGL) program, The McCain Institute empowers NGLs to tackle these types of issues and search for the best practical solutions to positively impact communities.

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Categories: Program Spotlight

Celebrate J-1 Day with Us!

Posted on Monday, August 1st, 2016 at 1:09 pm.

By Lynette Evans-Tiernan, Director of Communications and Outreach, J-1 Exchange Visitor Program

J Day Logo

Eat. Play. Give.

What do those three words have in common? J Day.

J-Day is a nationwide celebration that brings J-1 exchange visitors together with their American hosts and local communities to celebrate and share cultural diversity, give back to their local communities, and have some fun too.

Group of J-1 participants holding a J Day logo sign

We invite you to celebrate the power of International Exchanges with us!

Get involved. It’s easy. Here are some suggestions:

  • Participate in a J Day event in your area. Most events are open to everyone. See a full list of events at
  • Read about J-1 experiences and adventures on the Route blog. Don’t forget to check back later this week to see how J-1s across the country celebrated J Day.
  • And most importantly, share your photos and J Day experiences online using #CelebrateJDay.

Categories: Program Spotlight

Emmanuel Dabuo’s Unquenchable Thirst for Knowledge

Posted on Thursday, July 28th, 2016 at 8:53 pm.

By Shellie Weaver of Missouri, host mom of a J-1 Secondary School Student

Young black boy smiling holding a s'more

Emmanuel eating a S’more, one of his new favorite foods

Emmanuel Dabuo of Ghana befriended everyone from the moment he arrived. Whether at school, home, church, volunteer activities, or sporting events—he became the center of attention and achieved “movie star status” in our small community. His million-watt smile, genuine love of all people, hilarious giggle, and positive personality made him instantly popular. His willingness to step outside his comfort zone and try new things inspired others to be fearless. He reached out to those kids at school who were friendless, sitting alone in the cafeteria, and became their new best friend. His name means “God with us,” and it fits him well.

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Categories: Program Spotlight

Golfers Around the World Enjoy the Hospitality of a Former J-1

Posted on Wednesday, July 27th, 2016 at 4:04 pm.

By Daniel Grave, J-1 Summer Work Travel Alumni from the United Kingdom

Man standing with arms stretched wide near golf carts

Daniel Grave representing team UK at California Cup in Santa Barbara

Beginning in 1990 as a student from Portsmouth University, I spent two summers on the J-1 program with a good friend of mine.  It was the beginning of a journey that led to starting my own business, which last year served over 200,000 clients and is quickly growing to a world wide brand.

This was a unique J-1 program where I began to develop my entrepreneurial skills selling educational books door to door in the United States.  At first, I was a bit skeptical about going off to run my own business in America, but as my friend had done it before and the Southwestern program had been around since 1868, I thought I’d give it a shot.

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Categories: Program Spotlight

Meet the J-1 Yellow Cab Family

Posted on Thursday, July 21st, 2016 at 8:20 pm.

By Keisha Gregerson, Wisconsin Dells Taxi (J-1 Transportation) Owner


Wisconsin Dells Taxi owner Keshia Gregerson and daughter Keylnn pose with the fleet of cabs.

Wisconsin Dells Taxi was built on the foundation and the local demand to provide international students transportation to and from work locally. There was not much of a source before we started nine years ago. As we began to grow as a company, I started to realize how important this program was to our community and the vital role it plays in the growth and success of our local tourism industry. This is when I really started to get involved. I’d like to think providing affordable transportation to these students has played a role in the growth and development of this program, but I could be biased!

As I started to reach out to employers, I began to gain communication with sponsors and eventually Wisconsin Dells Taxi joined the local J-1 Consortium. I have gained such a wealth of knowledge through this group, which has helped me set a standard of business and educate my staff as well. The consortium meets monthly and we discuss safety, issues, events and the overall well-being of our local population of J-1 students. This group of people is truly amazing. It is quite humbling, actually. In turn, I take this knowledge and integrate it into my business and our daily operations. I have such an amazing team that truly cares about the health and safety of these students. It almost feels like we take them under our wing while they are here with us, and we are always sad to watch them go. Those farewell trips to bus stations, airports and train depots are always full of tears, hugs, and “see you again.” Read More ›

Categories: Program Spotlight

A Week That Changed My Life

Posted on Tuesday, July 19th, 2016 at 8:37 pm.

By Linda Haglund, J-1 Intern from Finland

Photo of Laura and group

Linda Haglund (giving the thumbs up) with her fellow I-LEAD leadership training students at American University.

Something has happened to me, and I have changed. I’m stronger, more confident and more hopeful about the future. I’m happier, more open and more in the present than I’ve been in the past. I have 60 new friends from 30 different countries. And I feel it in my bones: I can do anything!

My week in Washington, D.C. has made me a new person, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that the leadership training I-LEAD 2016 was one of the best and finest experiences I’ve ever had. Read More ›

Categories: Program Spotlight

J-1 Ghanaian Fashion Designer Fights Malaria

Posted on Thursday, July 14th, 2016 at 9:05 pm.

By Lauren Aitken, Cultural Vistas sponsor organization

Man looking at paper on a desk

Papa Oppong reviews designs at the DC Fashion Foundation Incubator

After designing a collection in collaboration with Swarovski and interning for Rosario Dawson, people knew that Papa Oppong, a Ghanaian fashion designer, would go places. But it wasn’t until his U.S. internship at the DC Fashion Foundation that he found his passion project: combatting Malaria through fashion. Read More ›

Categories: Program Spotlight

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About Rebecca Pasini

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Private Sector Exchange

Rebecca Pasini

Rebecca A. Pasini joined the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Private Sector Exchanges in July 2023. A career member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister - Counselor, Ms. Pasini has been an American diplomat since 1997.

Ms. Pasini previously served as the Director of Public and Congressional Affairs in the Bureau of Consular Affairs from 2021-2023. Other Washington assignments have included positions in the Bureau of Consular Affairs, the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, the Office of Foreign Missions, and as a liaison to the Department of Homeland Security. She has also completed multiple overseas tours, including as Minister Counselor for Consular Affairs in Islamabad, Pakistan, and as the Consular Chief in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Belfast, Northern Ireland. Other tours included Mexico City and Kuwait.

A Maryland native, Ms. Pasini has a Ph.D. in Political Science from Indiana University, a master’s degree in National Security and Resource Strategy from the Eisenhower School, National Defense University, and an undergraduate degree from Mary Washington College.