Rulemaking Documents



Exchange Visitor Program – Recording, Reporting, and Data Collection Requirements - 60-Day Notice of a Public Information Collection (Forms DS-3036, DS-3037, and DS-7000) (May 14, 2024)

Exchange Visitor Program – Training/Internship Placement Plan – 60-Day Notice of a Public Information Collection (Form DS-7002) (May 16, 2024)

Final Rule - Forms DS-2019: Digital Signature and Electronic Submission


Au Pair NPRM:

Notice of Temporary Waiver and Modification of Certain Regulatory Requirements

Interim Final Rule (with request for comment) – Forms DS-2019: Digital Signatures and Electronic Transmission


Final Rule - Sanctions; Notifications

Final Rule – Change to Certification Authority for Alien Physician Category of the Exchange Visitor Program


Exchange Visitor Program - Training Plan – 60 and 30 day notices of Public Information Collection (Form DS-7002) (November 5, 2020 and January 27, 2021)

Exchange Visitor Program – Annual Report Form DS-3097 – 60-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (April 17, 2020)

Exchange Visitor Program – 60 and 30 day notices of Public Information Collection (Form DS-2019) (August 14 and October 26, 2020)


Exchange Visitor Program - Training Plan - 30-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (Form DS-7002) (December 20, 2017)

Exchange Visitor Program - Training Plan - 60-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (Form DS-7002)

Exchange Visitor Program – 60 Day Notice of Public Information Collection (Form DS-2019) (July 20, 2017)

Exchange Visitor Program – Annual Report – 30 Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection (April 17, 2017)

Exchange Visitor Program – Annual Report – Form DS-3097 – 60 Day Notice of Public Information Collection (February 8, 2017)

Exchange Visitor Program, 22 CFR 62.32, Summer Work Travel Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (January 12, 2017)

Exchange Visitor Program, Proposed Form DS-7007 – Summer Work Travel (January 12, 2017)

We are reviewing the public comments submitted in response to the SWT Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. See Notice for Details.

Note on the Administration's 1/20/17 Memorandum

The Exchange Visitor Program - Summer Work Travel Notice of Proposed Rule Making is not affected by the Administration’s January 20, 2017, memorandum to agencies. As noted in the NPRM, the Department of State will accept comments on this proposed rule until February 27, 2017.

Additional Note on the Administration’s 1/20/17 Memorandum

We have received follow-on questions related to the January 20, 2017, White House Memorandum regarding regulations. The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs is in full compliance with Administration guidance on this matter. Specifically, in the case of the Summer Work Travel NPRM, it was published before President Trump was sworn in, and has no effective date. Therefore, it is not subject to the January 20 Memo. Any final rule will be approved by this Administration, in accordance with White House guidance that is in effect at that time. We will focus on collecting and evaluating public comments to the NPRM as they come in. The comment period closes on February 27, 2017, and we welcome comments until that time. (January 26, 2017)

Note Regarding a Potential Au Pair Rule (January 25, 2017)

In response to inquiries we have received regarding a potential Au pair Rule we feel it premature to comment further at this point. At an appropriate time the Department will decide on an appropriate course of action taking into account Department policy, White House guidance, and the Administrative Procedure Act.

Bike Safety Flyer Referenced in NPRM


Final Teacher rule – 22 CFR 62.24 (January 29, 2016)


Exchange Visitor Program – Annual Report, Form DS 3097, 30-day Notice of Public Information Collection (January 16, 2015)


Exchange Visitor Program – Training/Internship Placement Plan – Form DS-7002 – 30-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (December 24, 2014)

Exchange Visitor Program - Annual Report (J-Nonimmigrant) - Form DS-3097 – 60-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (October 22, 2014)

Exchange Visitor Program, Subpart A, General Provisions (Final Rule – October 6, 2014)

Exchange Visitor Program - Training/Internship Placement Plan – Form DS-7002 – 60-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (September 29, 2014)

Exchange Visitor Program - Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status (J-Nonimmigrant) – Form DS-2019 - 30-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (July 21, 2014)

Exchange Visitor Program – Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status (J-Visa) – Form DS-2019 - 60-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (May 9, 2014)


Exchange Visitor Program – Recording, Reporting, and Data Collection Requirements (Forms DS-3036, DS-3037, and DS-7000) – 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection (November 29, 2013)

Exchange Visitor Program – Recording, Reporting, and Data Collection Requirements (Forms DS-3036, DS-3037, and DS-7000) – 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection (June 26, 2013)

Exchange Visitor Program – Fees and Charges Final Rule

On May 14, 2013, the Department published a Final Rule amending its regulations regarding fees and charges for Exchange Visitor Program services to $3,982 for an application for designation or redesignation and $367 for each participant program service request (change of category, program extension, reinstatement, etc.). The fees permit the Department to recoup the cost of providing such Exchange Visitor Program services. These regulations are effective June 13, 2013.

Exchange Visitor Program – Teachers

On May 2, 2013, the Department published a Proposed Rule with Request for Comment for the Teacher Exchange Program. The rulemaking proposes to amend regulations to implement an annual cultural activity component and a new repeat participation clause, as well as amend eligibility requirements. Comments are accepted through July 1, 2013.

Exchange Visitor Program – Fees and Charges

On January 30, 2013, the Department published a Proposed Rule with Request for Comment in the Federal Register regarding proposed revisions to the Fees and Charges assessed for providing Exchange Visitor Program services to recoup the Department’s costs associated with operating aspects of the Exchange Visitor Program. The Department proposes to charge a fee of $ 3,982 for an application for designation or redesignation, and a fee of $ 367 for each participant program service request (change of category, program extension, reinstatement, etc.) Comments will be accepted up to April 1, 2013.


Exchange Visitor Program – 60-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (SWT Participant Survey) (SV 2012-0004)

On August 22, 2012 the Department published a Notice of Request for Public Comment (77 Fed. Reg. 50757) proposing that the Department implement participant surveys to be sent to all Summer Work Travel participants at least once during their Program. Comments accepted through October 22, 2012.

Exchange Visitor Program – 30-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (Form DS-7002)

On June 6, 2012, the Department published a 30-day Notice of Proposed Information Collection regarding the Training/Internship Placement Plan, Form DS-7002. Comments accepted through July 5, 2012.

Exchange Visitor Program – Summer Work Travel Program Interim Final Rule

The Department is amending current regulations governing the Summer Work Travel category of the Exchange Visitor Program. The rulemaking expands upon and provides guidance on additional regulatory changes and bolsters portions of the regulations to both further to protect the health, safety and welfare of Summer Work Travel participants and to reinforce the cultural exchange aspects of the Program to promote the objectives of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 (Fulbright-Hays Act). These changes will enhance the integrity and programmatic effectiveness of Summer Work Travel exchanges. The Interim Final Rule for the Summer Work Travel Program was published May 11, 2012. The effective date of the rule is May 11, 2012. Public comments will be accepted up to July 10, 2012.

Exchange Visitor Program – 30-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (Form DS-3097)

On April 5, 2012, the Department published a 30-day Notice of Proposed Information Collection regarding the Form DS–3097, Exchange Visitor Program Annual Report. Comments accepted through May 4, 2012.

Exchange Visitor Program – 60-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (Form DS-7002)

On January 18, 2012, the Department published a 60-day Notice of Proposed Information Collection regarding the Training/Internship Placement Plan, Form DS-7002. Comments accepted through March 19, 2012.


Exchange Visitor Program – Cap on Current Participant Levels and Moratorium on New Sponsor Applications for Summer Work Travel Program

Effective January 1, 2012, the Department is restricting the size of the Exchange Visitor Program (J–1visa) category of Summer Work Travel to 2011 actual participant levels. The Department is also announcing, effective immediately, a moratorium on designation of new Summer Work Travel sponsor organizations.

Exchange Visitor Program – Summer Work Travel Program Interim Final Rule

The Department is amending current regulations governing the Summer Work Travel category of the Exchange Visitor Program. The amendments clarify existing policies and implement new procedures to ensure that the Summer Work Travel program continues to foster the objectives of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 (Fulbright-Hays Act). These changes will enhance the integrity and programmatic effectiveness of Summer Work Travel exchanges. The Interim Final Rule for the Summer Work Travel Program was published April 26, 2011. Public comments will be accepted up to June 27, 2011. The effective date of the rule is July 15, 2011.

Exchange Visitor Program - Fees and Charges Final Rule

On February 25, 2011, the Department published a Final Rule amending its regulations regarding fees and charges for Exchange Visitor Program services to $2,700 for an application for designation or redesignation and $233 for each participant program service request (change of category, program extension, reinstatement, etc.). The fees permit the Department to recoup the cost of providing such Exchange Visitor Program services. These regulations are effective March 28, 2011.

Exchange Visitor Program - 30-Day Notice of Public Information Collection

On February 15, 2011 the Department published a Notice of request for public comment and submission to OMB of proposed collection of information. The Department specifically solicited public comments to permit the Department to: (1) Evaluate whether the proposed information collection is necessary to properly perform our functions; (2) Evaluate the accuracy of our estimate of the burden of the proposed collection, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (3) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (4) Minimize the reporting burden on those who are to respond. Comments accepted through March 17, 2011.

Exchange Visitor Program - 60-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (Form DS-2019)

On January 12, 2011 the Department published a 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection regarding the Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Status; Form DS-2019, OMB no. 1405-0119. This notice allows 60-days of public comment preceding submission of the information collection to OMB. Comments accepted through March 13, 2011.


Exchange Visitor Program - Secondary School Student Final Rule

On October 27, 2010 the Department published a Final Rule for the Secondary School Student Program. The Rule amends regulations regarding the screening, selection, school enrollment, orientation, and quality assurance monitoring of host families and field staff. The Rule additionally requires Department-administered training for all organizational representatives who place and/or monitor students with host families. This training module will be announced in a subsequent Federal Register notice. The proposed requirement to conduct FBI fingerprint-based criminal background checks on all potential adult host family members is not adopted at this time though the Department will continue to examine this provision. These regulations went into effect November 26, 2010.

Exchange Visitor Program - 60-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (Form DS-3097)

On October 20, 2010 the Department published a 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection regarding Form DS-3097, Exchange Visitor Program Annual Report, and OMB Control Number 1405-0151. This notice allows 60-days of public comment preceding submission to OMB. Comments were accepted through December 19, 2010.

Exchange Visitor Program - Fees and Charges Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

On October 1, 2010 the Department published a Proposed Rule with Request for Comment regarding proposed revisions to the Fees and Charges assessed for providing Exchange Visitor Program services to recoup the Department’s costs associated with operating all aspects of the Exchange Visitor Program. At the time of publication, the Department charged a fee of $1,748 for an application for designation or redesignation and a fee of $246 for each participant program service request (change of category, program extension, reinstatement, etc.). The Department proposed to amend both fees to $2,700 and $233, respectively. The increase in program designation and redesignation requests is necessary to recoup the costs of application reviews, requests for amendments to program designations, and allotment requests, as well as the cost for enhanced compliance programs, regulatory review and development, outreach and general program administration. Comments were accepted through November 30, 2010.

Exchange Visitor Program - 30-Day Notice of Public Information Collection (Forms DS-3036, DS-3037 and DS-7000)

On August 17, 2010 the Department published a 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection regarding the recording, reporting, and data collection requirements under 22 CFR Part 62, the Exchange Visitor Program - Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS); Forms DS-3036, DS-3037, and DS-7000, OMB no. 1405-0147. Comments were accepted through September 16, 2010.

Exchange Visitor Program - Trainees and Interns Final Rule

On August 11, 2010 the Department published a Final Rule for the Trainee and Intern categories of the Exchange Visitor Program. The Final Rule confirms an Interim Final Rule published on June 19, 2007 which amended regulations regarding Trainees and Interns to, among other things, eliminate the distinction between ‘‘non-specialty occupations’’ and ‘‘specialty occupations,’’ establish a new internship program, and modify the selection criteria for participation in a training program. This Final Rule additionally amends the requirements to permit the use of telephone interviews to screen potential participants for eligibility, to remove the requirement that sponsors secure a Dun & Bradstreet report profiling companies with whom a participant will be placed and also amends this provision to provide clarification regarding the verification of Worker’s Compensation coverage for participants and use of an Employer Identification Number to ascertain that a third-party host organization providing training is a viable entity, and to clarify that trainees and interns may repeat training and internship programs under certain conditions. These regulations went into effect September 10, 2010, confirming as final with changes, the Interim Final Rule published on June 19, 2007.

Exchange Visitor Program - Trainees and Interns

On June 19, 2007, the Department published an interim final rule amending its regulations regarding Trainees and Interns to, among other things, eliminate the distinction between "non-specialty occupations" and "specialty occupations," establish a new internship program, and modify the selection criteria for participation in a training program. This document confirms the Interim Final Rule as final and amends the requirements to permit the use of telephone interviews to screen potential participants for eligibility, to remove the requirement that sponsors secure a Dun & Bradstreet report profiling companies with whom a participant will be placed and also amends this provision to provide clarification regarding the verification of Worker’s Compensation coverage for participants and use of an Employer Identification Number to ascertain that a third-party host organization providing training is a viable entity, and to clarify that trainees and interns may repeat training and internship programs under certain conditions. These regulations went into effect August 11, 2010

Exchange Visitor Program - Notice of Secondary School Student Public Meeting

On June 7, 2010 the Department published an announcement for a public meeting to provide interested members of the public the opportunity to discuss the proposed amendments to the Secondary School Student Program regulatory provisions published on May 3, 2010 (See 75 FR 23198). As stated in that notice, the Department proposed to amend existing regulations regarding the screening, selection, school enrollment, orientation, and monitoring of student participants and their placement with host families as well as the screening, selection, orientation, and monitoring of hosting families. Given the widespread interest in secondary school student exchange programs among the general public, the Department held this public meeting to further solicit comment and discussion on the proposed amendments to these regulations. The public meeting was held at the Department from 9:00am to 11:00am on June 17, 2010.

Exchange Visitor Program - Secondary School Student Proposed Rule

On May 3, 2010 the Department published a Proposed Rule with Request for Comment for the Secondary School Student Program. The rulemaking proposed to amend regulations regarding the screening, selection, school enrollment, orientation, and quality assurance monitoring on behalf of student participants; and quality assurance monitoring of host families and field staff. Comments were accepted through June 2, 2010.

Exchange Visitor Program - Secondary School Student Public Notice

The Department has determined that a comprehensive review of each individual designated sponsor organization and its business practices is necessary to assist the Department in meeting both its policy objectives and oversight obligations for this category of exchange. The review of individual designated sponsors is conducted under the Department's regulatory authorities set forth at 22 CFR part 62.


Exchange Visitor Program - General Provisions (Subpart A) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

On September 22, 2009 the Department published a Proposed Rule with Request for Comment regarding proposing amendments to the General Provisions (Subpart A) of the Exchange Visitor Program regulations. This section of the regulations establishes the procedures for designated Program sponsors and addresses overall Program administration. It provides the overall context in which to interpret all other provisions of the Exchange Visitor Program regulations. The General Provisions have not been revised in whole in over 15 years, despite modifications of many of the category specific regulations and changes in technology. The proposed regulations encompass technical changes to the General Provisions and address public diplomacy and foreign policy concerns, including the Department’s ability to monitor Program sponsors and to ensure the safety and well-being of foreign nationals who come to the United States as Program participants. The amendment of this section incorporates changes made to the regulations since the last update in 1993. It ties all regulatory requirements together and consolidates the requirements set forth in the SEVIS reporting requirements regulations into the General Provisions. On June 19, 2008, the Department of State published an interim final rule to revise existing regulations and thereby permit qualified au pairs to participate again in the au pair program after completing a period of at least two years of residency outside the United States following the end date of his or her initial exchange visitor program. The regulations contained in the interim final rule are adopted without change. Comments were accepted through November 23, 2009.

Exchange Visitor Program - Secondary School Student Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

On September 2, 2009 the Department published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Secondary School Student Program. The purpose of this rulemaking was to seek information and more specific means of screening potential families to host exchange student participants. Comments were accepted through October 2, 2009.

Exchange Visitor Program - Au Pairs

On June 19, 2008, the Department of State published an interim final rule to revise existing regulations and thereby permit qualified au pairs to participate again in the au pair program after completing a period of at least two years of residency outside the United States following the end date of his or her initial exchange visitor program. The regulations contained in the interim final rule are adopted without change. These regulations went into effect April 8, 2009.


Exchange Visitor Program - Termination of Flight Training Programs

Statement of Policy published July 11, 2008. In December 2007, the Department published a Final Rule (72 FR 72245, December 20, 2007) that permits the termination of designated programs that the Department determines no longer further its public diplomacy mission or compromises the national security of the United States (22 CFR 62.62). In adopting this provision, the Department explains that the Exchange Visitor Program is the cornerstone of the Department's public diplomacy efforts and integral to the furtherance of the President's Constitutional prerogatives in conducting foreign affairs (72 FR 62112). Pursuant to this regulatory authority, the Department hereby determines that all flight training programs no longer further the public diplomacy mission of the Department, and accordingly, effective June 1, 2010, the Department will terminate the Exchange Visitor Program sponsor designations of all eight sponsors of flight training programs.

Exchange Visitor Program - Au Pairs

Interim Final Rule with request for comment published on June 19, 2008. The Interim Final Rule revises the section on repeat participation to allow qualified au pairs to repeat the program after a period of at least two years residency outside the United States following the end date of his or her initial program. Comments were accepted from the public up to 30-days from July 21, 2008. This rule became effective 30-days from July 21, 2008.


Exchange Visitor Program - Au Pair Requirements

Notice with Request for Comment; Published in the Federal Register on December 10, 2007: The Department is soliciting comments on amending the age eligibility requirement for au pair participants by increasing the age limitation from 26 to 30. Further, the Department has been asked to consider permitting foreign nationals who previously participated in the au pair program to repeat program participation. Comments were accepted through February 9, 2008.

Exchange Visitor Program - Fees and Charges for Exchange Visitor Program Services

The Department of State revised its regulations regarding Fees and Charges for Exchange Visitor Program services. The long-range goal of these changes is to recoup the full cost for providing such services. These regulations went into effect December 3, 2007.

Trainees and Interns

The Department is hereby revising its regulations regarding, Trainees and Interns to, among other things, eliminate the distinction between "non-specialty occupations" and "specialty occupations", establish a new internship program, and modify the selection criteria for participation in a training program. The new regulations also require sponsors to screen, vet, and enter into written agreements with third parties who assist them in recruiting, selecting, screening, orienting, placing, training, or evaluating foreign nationals who participate in training and internship programs. Sponsors must fully complete and secure signatures on a Form DS-7002, Training/Internship Placement Plan (T/IPP) for each trainee and intern prior to issuing a Form DS-2019. The Department adopts no changes to existing flight training regulations. These regulations went into effect on July 19, 2007.

Student Intern

The Department is proposing to revise its regulations concerning College and University Students. The proposed rule, if adopted, will create a new subcategory of the College and University Student category-- "Student Interns". Participation in this new sub- category is open to foreign students enrolled and pursuing full-time studies at a post-secondary educational institution outside the United States. Student interns may participate in a student internship program for up to 12 months at each degree level. Comments were accepted through August 6, 2007.

Sanctions and Terminations

The Department is hereby revising its regulations presently set forth at 22 CFR Part 62 Subpart D (Sanctions) and 22 CFR Part 62 Subpart E (Termination and Revocation of Programs). The revised §62.50 retain many, but not all, of the provisions of the current regulations, and modifies the reasons for which sanctions may be imposed. Subpart E, § 62.60 amends existing regulations to provide for program termination in the case of failure to file an annual management audit, in program categories requiring such audits. A new § 62.62 provides for termination or denial of redesignation for an entire class of designated programs, if the Department determines that they compromise the national security of the United States, or no longer further the public diplomacy mission of the Department. These regulations went into effect on January 22, 2008.


Au Pair (22 CFR 62.31): Final rule

Au Pair (22 CFR 62.31): Final rule; Published in the Federal Register on June 8, 2006 (PDF): The Department of State adopts as final certain proposed amendments to existing au pair regulations. These changes will permit au pair sponsors to request a one-time extension of six, nine, or 12 months beyond an au pair participant's original 12-month period of program participation.

Training and Internship: Supplemental (22 CFR 62.22)

Training and Internship: Supplemental (22 CFR 62.22) - Notice of Proposed Information Collection: DS-7002, Training/Internship Placement Plan, OMB Control Number 1405-XXXX; Published in the Federal Register on June 1, 2006 (PDF): In a notice of proposed rulemaking published in the Federal Register on April 7, 2006 (71 FR 17778) regarding proposed revisions to its training/internship programs administered by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the Department of State stated that the proposed rule contained a collection of information requirement for Purposes of the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Department further stated that it would be submitted to OMB for review and be the subject of a separate Federal Register notice and request for public comment. Accordingly, the Department has submitted the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.

Training and Internship (22 CFR 62.22) - Proposed Rule

Training and Internship (22 CFR 62.22) - Proposed Rule with request for comment; Published in the Federal Register on April 7, 2006 (PDF): The Department of State is proposing to revise its training program regulations. These revisions will, among other things, eliminate the distinction between "non-specialty occupations" and "specialty occupations". Also, a new 12-month "intern" program is proposed to permit recent foreign graduates of degree-granting post-secondary accredited educational institutions to come to the United States to pursue work-based learning experiences in the fields in which they received their degrees.

Secondary School Student (22 CFR 62.25) - Final Rule

Secondary School Student (22 CFR 62.25) - Final Rule; Published in the Federal Register on April 4, 2006 (PDF): The Department of State adopts as final certain proposed amendments to existing regulations set forth at 22 CFR 62.25. These amendments require program sponsors to complete criminal background checks for officers, employees, agents, representatives and volunteers acting on their behalf and require monthly contact with host families and students. Also adopted as final is a requirement that all adult members of a host family household undergo a criminal background check. A requirement to report any allegation of sexual misconduct to both the Department and local law enforcement authorities is also adopted.

Summer Work/Travel 12-month Pilot Program-Notice

Summer Work/Travel 12-month Pilot Program-Notice with Request for Comment; Published in the Federal Register on February 27, 2006 (PDF): The Department hereby announces its intent to investigate the possible adoption of a pilot program that will provide foreign university students an opportunity to work and travel in the United States for up to 12 months. The Department will accept comments from the public up to 60-days from February 27, 2006.

Au Pair (22 CFR 62.31) - Proposed rule

Au Pair (22 CFR 62.31) - Proposed rule with request for comment; Published in the Federal Register on February 2, 2006 (PDF): The Department of State is proposing the amendment of its existing au pair regulations under the Exchange Visitor Program (J-1 visa) to permit designated au pair sponsors to request a one-time extension of six, nine or 12 months beyond an au pair participant's original 12-month program (the maximum duration of program participation).

Statement of Policy on J-1 Visa Flight Training Programs

Statement of Policy on J-1 Visa Flight Training Programs; Published in the Federal Register on January 24, 2006 (PDF): The Department hereby announces that the Department will no longer designate any new J-1 visa flight training programs or approve further expansion of a current flight training programs. Redesignation of programs will continue as required by existing regulations.


Secondary School Student Regulations (22 CFR 62.25)

Secondary School Student Regulations (22 CFR 62.25): Published in the Federal Register on August 24, 2005 (PDF): The Department of State published a proposed rule in the Federal Register on August 12, 2005 proposing to amend existing regulations governing the administration of the Secondary School Student program as set forth in the Exchange Visitor Program regulations (22 CFR Part 62.25). This publication is to reflect information that was inadvertently omitted from the earlier publication (please refer to the original Federal Register notice dated August 12, 2005 listed below for more information).

Secondary School Student Regulations (22 CFR 62.25) - Proposed Rule

Secondary School Student (22 CFR 62.25) - Proposed Rule with request for comment, published in the Federal Register on August 12, 2005 (PDF): The Department of State's Office of Private Sector Exchange is pleased to announce that proposed regulations for secondary school students (22 CFR 62.25) were published in the Federal Register on August 12, 2005. The regulations propose new program administration requirements. These amendments would require program sponsors to complete criminal background checks for officers, employees, agents, representatives and volunteers acting on their behalf and would also require written evidence of monthly contact with host families and students. Amendments are also proposed that would require the vetting of all adult members of a host family household through a sex offender registry maintained by the respective state of residence. A requirement to report any allegation of sexual misconduct to both the Department and local law enforcement authorities is also proposed. All sponsors would also be required to provide secondary school student participants with information regarding inappropriate behavior and the need to immediately report it. Comments will be accepted for 60-days from the date published.

Professor and Research Scholar Regulations (22 CFR 62.20)

Professor and Research Scholar Regulations (22 CFR 62.20) published in the Federal Register on May 19, 2005 (PDF): The Department of State's Office of Private Sector Exchange is pleased to announce that the professor and research scholar regulations (22 CFR 62.20) were published in the Federal Register on May 19, 2005. The new regulations expand the professor and research scholar category duration from three to five years and permits the extension beyond five years for participants under the direct sponsorship of a Federally Funded National Research and Development Center or U.S. Federal Laboratory. As stated in the announcement, this new rule will be effective once Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has developed the SEVIS programming changes necessary to implement the rule."