Maintaining Active Exchange Visitor Records

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Welcome to the SEVIS Training for sponsor officials. This training is designed to facilitate your understanding of SEVIS in regards to the administration, maintenance and management of the J-1 program information at your organization and your exchange visitor and spouse/dependent records. In this presentation we will discuss how to maintain the SEVIS record of an Exchange Visitor who is in Active status and how to use the Event History in SEVIS.

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Disclaimer: This presentation provides guidance for using SEVIS. It does not replace the Exchange Visitor Program regulations found in 22 CFR Part 62. To obtain administrative guidance on the Exchange Visitor Program, the Exchange Visitor Program regulations, or program or exchange visitor issues and concerns, contact the Department of State’s Office of Private Sector Exchange Designation.

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Now we will look at the various actions that are used to maintain Exchange Visitor records.

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This is the Exchange Visitor Information page when the record is in Active status. Edits to the exchange visitor information are available via the Edit buttons next to the corresponding sections. Actions menu options which are available when the record is in Active status are different from those that are available when the record is in Initial status.

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This table shows the category and the additional actions that are available when the records are in Active status.

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On the Exchange Visitor Information page, click the Site of Activity link to view a list of all the sites of activity for the exchange visitor.

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From the Site of Activity Menu page, a site of activity can be edited, a new site can be added, or you can change the primary site of activity. To change the primary site of activity, click the radio button associated with the site that should be the new primary site. An informational window will display to let you know that the primary site of activity selection has been changed. You can click the Print Final DS2019 button to print the updated Form DS-2019 which now displays the new primary site of activity.

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Now we will look at the events associated with the record by viewing the Event History.

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Clicking on the Event History link on the Exchange Visitor Information page opens the Event History page. All the actions taken on the exchange visitor’s record will display. The events are displayed with the most recent event at the top. Some events have a plus sign to the left of the event name. Clicking on the plus sign expands the event, so you can see the details of the event. The before and after values of the fields that changed during the event will display. Click the minus button to collapse the details.

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The Event History page uses a widget to allow the users to sort and filter the events. The Expand All button expands all the events that can be expanded, so the user does not have to click on each plus sign. Enter data into the Search field to filter the events. If the word “address” was entered in the field, the page would display all events that contain the word “address”. The events can be filtered by date range by entering dates in the From and To fields and clicking the Filter button. Click the up and down arrows associated with the column heading to sort by that specific column.

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Thank you for watching. For additional videos about administering your exchange visitor program, please visit our website.