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Welcome to the SEVIS Training for sponsor officials. This training is designed to facilitate your understanding of SEVIS in regard to the administration, maintenance, and management of the J-1 program information at your organization and your exchange visitor and spouse/dependent records.
In this presentation we will discuss the automatic status update e-mails sent to exchange visitors.
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Disclaimer: This presentation provides guidance for using SEVIS. It does not replace the Exchange Visitor Program regulations 22 CFR Part 62. To obtain administrative guidance on the Exchange Visitor Program, the Exchange Visitor Program regulations, or program or exchange visitor issues and concerns, contact the Department of State's Office of Private Sector Exchange Designation.
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Let’s start with explaining who will be notified by e-mail. Automatic SEVIS status update e-mails will be sent to exchange visitors with e-mail addresses entered in SEVIS. It is very important to ensure that exchange visitors’ e-mail addresses are valid, spelled correctly, and are unique to the individual. Accompanying spouse/dependents in SEVIS will not be notified.
Automatic e-mails will be sent to the exchange visitors when their SEVIS status changes to Active, Transferred, No Show, Inactive, or Terminated.
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Let us now talk about why sending e-mails is necessary. E-mails inform exchange visitors of their SEVIS status. They explain what their status means and inform them of any action they are required to take. If the exchange visitor’s status is incorrect, they can contact the sponsor to correct the mistake. Note that sponsors have limited time to make self-corrections, such as Correct Minor or Technical Infraction and Correct SEVIS Status. Once the self-correction period lapses, sponsors are required to apply for Reinstatement or Reinstatement – Update SEVIS status, where Department of State review and payment of a non-refundable fee is required. And finally, notifying exchange visitors of their status change results in better recordkeeping and more accurate reporting.
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Let’s now look at the contents of the e-mails. All e-mails are sent from SEVIS from the following address,, and include a subject line that begins with U.S. Department of State Notification, key details about the exchange visitor’s program such as program end date and category, an explanation of what SEVIS is, the SEVIS status of the exchange visitor and the definition of the status, any action the exchange visitor is required to take because of their SEVIS status, if applicable, and relevant resources and contact information for their sponsor and the Department of State.
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Now, let’s consider events which trigger automatic e-mails. Active status notification e-mails are sent after the following actions: Validation, Correct Minor or Technical Infraction, Correct SEVIS Status. Active status e-mails are also sent after an approval of a Reinstatement or a Reinstatement – Update SEVIS Status request. And finally, if the status of an exchange visitor changed to Inactive while an Extension Beyond Maximum Duration of Participation or a Change of Category request was pending, the exchange visitor will receive an e-mail when their status changes back to Active after approval of the request.
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This is the text of the e-mail sent by SEVIS when an exchange visitor's status changes to Active. In addition to the key elements already discussed, the most important information in this e-mail is that, for the exchange visitor, “No further action is required at this time”. The e-mail also contains useful resources and contact information.
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This is the text of the e-mail sent by SEVIS when an exchange visitor’s record is transferred to another sponsor. This e-mail reminds the exchange visitor to contact their new sponsor within 30 days of the Date of Transfer.
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This is the text of the e-mail sent by SEVIS when either the sponsor or the system changes an exchange visitor’s status to No Show. No Show is a negative status, and the e-mail urges the exchange visitor to contact the sponsor to report their program participation or immediately depart the United States.
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This is the text of the e-mail sent by SEVIS when the sponsor changes an exchange visitor’s status to Terminated. Terminated is a negative status, and the e-mail urges the exchange visitor to immediately depart the United States.
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This is the text of the e-mail sent by SEVIS when an exchange visitor’s status changes to Inactive because the Program End Date has been reached. The e-mail urges the exchange visitor to prepare to depart the United States.
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This is the text of the e-mail sent by SEVIS when an exchange visitor’s status changes to Inactive as a result of a change of status approval.
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When a status update e-mail is sent, an event is recorded in the exchange visitor’s event history along with the date it was sent, resulting status, and the user who performed the action.
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As an RO or an ARO, you play a vital role in ensuring that exchange visitors receive the automatic e-mails. Please ensure the e-mails are valid, spelled correctly, and are unique to the individual. If an exchange visitor’s status is incorrect, refer to the chart to timely correct any errors.
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Thank you for watching! For additional videos about administering your exchange visitor program please visit our website at